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Impact of COVID-19 Outbreak and its Different Waves on Hospital Admissions for Odontogenic Infections: A Single-Center Retrospective Study
Chan-Min Kim, Jae-Hoon Lee
J Korean Dent Assoc. 2024;62(8):503-516.   Published online August 30, 2024
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The Past and the Present of Occlusion
Hwa Jung Lee, Jae Hoon Lee
J Korean Dent Assoc. 2022;60(12):833-841.   Published online November 30, 2022
상악 매복치아의 효과적인 발치술 및 환자관리
Jae-Hun Lee
J Korean Dent Assoc. 2003;41(4):230-238.   Published online April 30, 2003
구강 악안면 부위의 근막간극 감염
Jae-Hun Lee
J Korean Dent Assoc. 2002;40(4):274-281.   Published online April 30, 2002
상악동의 치성질환과 처치
Jae-Hun Lee
J Korean Dent Assoc. 2001;39(6):473-481.   Published online June 30, 2001
치과 국소마취와 관련된 합병증과 처치
Jae-Hun Lee
J Korean Dent Assoc. 1999;37(5):347-351.   Published online May 31, 1999

The Journal of
the Korean Dental

Print ISSN: 0376-4672
Online ISSN: 2713-7961

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