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Direct pulp capping and class II composite resin restoration of right maxillary first molar fused to supernumerary tooth
In-Hye Bae, An-Na Choi, Sung-Ae Son, Jeong-Kil Park
J Korean Dent Assoc. 2018;56(6):314-322.   Published online June 30, 2018
ORIGINAL ARTICLE - The incidence and types of C-shaped canal of permanent mandibular second molar in Korean sub-population: Cone-Beam CT data analysis
Jung-Bon Moon, Ju-Kyong Jang, Sung-Ae Son, Bong-Soo Park, Hyo-Jin Lee, Hyeon-Cheol Kim
J Korean Dent Assoc. 2012;50(4):203-210.   Published online April 30, 2012

The Journal of
the Korean Dental

Print ISSN: 0376-4672
Online ISSN: 2713-7961

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