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Surgical Correction of Asymmetric Mandibular Excess
Pill-Hoon Choung
J Korean Dent Assoc. 1985;23(12):1057-1066.   Published online December 31, 1985
Modified LeFort III Malar-Maxillary Midfacial Advancement A Report of Case
Pill-Hoon Choung, Young-Taek Choung, Soo-Nam Yang
J Korean Dent Assoc. 1985;23(11):965-978.   Published online November 30, 1985
An Experimental Study Microvascular Patency by Micro-Arteriography Using Dental X-ray and Film
Pill-Hoon Choung
J Korean Dent Assoc. 1985;23(1):73-81.   Published online January 31, 1985

The Journal of
the Korean Dental

Print ISSN: 0376-4672
Online ISSN: 2713-7961

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