외래소수술시 적용하는 치과국소마취 술식들 |
김욱규 |
부산대학교 치의학전문대학원 구강악안면외과학교실 |
Dental Local Anesthetic Techniques for Minor Operations at Outpatient Clinic |
Uk-Kyu Kim |
Pusan National University School of Dentistry, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery |
Abstract |
The most widely used method of pain control in dental practice is to block the pathway of painful impulses by local anesthesia. For a maximum effect of pain control at outpatient minor operation, regional anesthesia including nerve block must be performed. This issue includes various dental local anesthetic techniques on mandible, maxilla and considerations for selection of dental local anesthetics according to patient's age, duration of operation. Additionally, current conscious sedation technique combined with local anesthesia will be introduced for control of patient's anxiousness. Based on patient's general condition, severity of operation, local anesthesia sometimes must be changed into general anesthesia to avoid failure of dental practice. The exact choice of anesthetic techniques for minor operations at dental outpatient clinic must not be underestimated for complete success of pain control. |
Key Words:
Dental anesthesia;Local anesthetics;Nerve block;Conscious sedation; |