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Treatment of occlusal changes associated with temporomandibular joint disorder

J Korean Dent Assoc > Volume 51(2); 2013 > Article
The Journal of The Korean Dental Association 2013;51(2):84-91.
Published online February 28, 2013.
임상가를 위한 특집 2 - 턱관절장애와 관련된 교합변화의 치료
경북대학교 치의학전문대학원 구강내과학교실
Treatment of occlusal changes associated with temporomandibular joint disorder
Jae-Kwang Jung
Department of Oral Medicine, School of Dentistry, Kyungpook National University
Temporomandibular joint disorder(TMJD) was mainly characterized with joint pain, motion limitation, joint sound, resulted from pathologic conditions in temporomandibular joint and around tissue. As temporomandibular joint is one of decisive factors determining the occlusion, disorders in temporomandibular joint may cause the occlusal changes. The causes of occlusal changes related with TMJD can be classified into 2 categories; (1) those related to progression of disorder, 2) those related to treatment of the disorder. The clinical manifestation of occlusal changes depend on their causes and affected site. Therefore, whenever possible, treatment should be directed to the relief of the underlying causes, However, it is not always possible to relieve the underlying conditions. Moreover, some occlusal changes may remain irreversible even after the considerable improvement in clinical symptoms. Regarding the treatment of the permanent occlusal changes, it has been reported that the extensive occlusal treatment including occlusal adjustment, prosthodontic treatment, orthodontic treatment should be applied. Here, we present with a case report of occlusal change caused by the progressive temporomandibular joint disorder, together with introducing the intermaxillary traction appliance as the possible treatment option.
Key Words: temporomandibular joint disorder;intermaxillary traction appliance;occlusal change;

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