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Occlusal appliance therapy for temporomandibular disorders

J Korean Dent Assoc > Volume 59(10); 2021 > Article
The Journal of The Korean Dental Association 2021;59(10):574-579.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22974/jkda.2021.59.10.004    Published online September 30, 2021.
측두하악장애의 교합장치치료
원광대학교 치과대학 구강내과학교실
Occlusal appliance therapy for temporomandibular disorders
Jin-Kyu Kang 
Department of Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine, School of Dentistry, Wonkwang University
Correspondence:  Jin-Kyu Kang, Tel: +82-42-366-1125, Fax: +82-42-366-1115, 
Email: orofacial@wku.ac.kr
Occlusal appliance is a removable device which fits over the occlusal surfaces of the teeth in one arch, devised to provide precise occlusal contact with the opposing teeth. Occlusal appliance is usually made of hard acrylic resin and allows optimum dentition in which condyle may assume in its most orthopedically stable position. Oc-clusal appliance is used to treat various kinds of temporomandibular disorders, including joint and muscle pain, disc derangements, parafunctional habits like bruxism and clenching, and degenerative joint diseases of TMJ. There are various types of occlusal appliances, but stabilization appliance and anterior positioning appliance are most frequently used. Stabilization appliance is fabricated to provide optimum occlusal relationship for the patient. This appliance is indicated for muscle and joint pain disorders and helpful for reducing parafunctional habits like bruxism. Anterior positioning appliance is designed to protrude mandible to a position that is more anterior than the intercuspal position. It is primarily used to treat disc displacement with reduction, intermittent lock and joint noises but some inflammatory disorders including retrodiscitis can be managed with this appli-ance. Occlusal appliance therapy is a successful treatment in reducing symptoms, and many previous reports indi-cates that its success rate is 70-90%. However, controversy exists over the exact mechanism by which occlusal appliance reduce symptoms. Occlusal appliance therapy is reversible, non-invasive therapy and effective therapeutic modalities for tem-poromandibular disorders. For the successful outcome, careful selection of the patient is needed. Also, it should be monitored regularly for the improvement of the disorder and the occurrence of side effects.
Key Words: occlusal appliance; temporomandibular disorders; acrylic resin

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