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3D printing of Ceramics: Introduction and the Feasibility in Dentistry

J Korean Dent Assoc > Volume 58(7); 2020 > Article
The Journal of The Korean Dental Association 2020;58(7):448-459.
Published online July 31, 2020.
세라믹 3D 프린팅 소개와 치과분야에서의 활용가능성
원광대학교 치과대학 치과생체재료학교실 및 생체재료.매식 연구소
3D printing of Ceramics: Introduction and the Feasibility in Dentistry
Seunghan Oh
Department of Dental Biomaterial and the Institute of Biomaterial.Implant College of Dentistry, Wonkwang University
In addition to extensive research on polymer and metal three-dimensional (3D) printing, ceramic 3D printing has recently been highlighted in various fields. The biggest advantage of 3D printing has the ability to easily create any complex shape. This review introduces the 3D printing technology of ceramics according to the type of material and deals with the latest related research in the industrial field including the biomedical engineering field. Finally, the future of ceramic 3D printing technology available in dentistry will be discussed.
Key Words: Ceramic;3D printing;Biomedical Engineering;Dentistry;

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