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A World Tour of the Museum of Dentistry

J Korean Dent Assoc > Volume 58(4); 2020 > Article
The Journal of The Korean Dental Association 2020;58(4):222-250.
Published online April 30, 2020.
세계 치과 박물관 여행
A World Tour of the Museum of Dentistry
Hoon Kweon
Mirae Children's Dental Clinic
Although museums of dentistry and dental museums are both museums related to dentistry, they may differ significantly in the scope and the content regarding the audiences. Museums of dentistry, which display a variety of dental instruments, materials, and photographs, help you learn about the development of dentistry and primarily attract a lot of attention from those who work in dental fields. These museums, however, don't get much attention from the general public. The dental museum, which displays everything related to teeth and dental care, can attract a lot of curiosity and attention not only by those in dental fields, but also by the general public. Dental museums should purpose public health education; they should not just be a place for looking around. This is because the experience of the dental museum has the power to engage people. Therefore, if you add educational functions to the dental museum and make it a place to learn about dental history and oral health care, it can be the institution where culture and health are combined. We need to study history to better understand which improvements we have made and also to see what we need to aim for in the future. The purpose of this study is to examine the actual way each of 28 dental museums in 7 different countries is operated by describing what I saw when I visited them. In addition, the current state of museums of dentistry in Korea is examined and the future development directions is also considered.
Key Words: Museum;History of Dentistry;Tour;

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