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Ridge augmentation and implant placement on maxillary anterior area with deficient alveolar ridge : case report

J Korean Dent Assoc > Volume 57(3); 2019 > Article
The Journal of The Korean Dental Association 2019;57(3):149-160.
Published online March 31, 2019.
상악전치부 결손부에서 골유도재생술식을 동반한 임플란트 수복의 증례보고
홍은진1, 고미선2, 정양훈3, 윤정호4
1전북대학교 치과대학 치주과학교실, 구강생체과학연구소
2전북대학교 치과대학 치주과학교실, 구강생체과학연구소
3전북대학교 치과대학 치주과학교실, 구강생체과학연구소
4전북대학교 치과대학 치주과학교실, 구강생체과학연구소
Ridge augmentation and implant placement on maxillary anterior area with deficient alveolar ridge : case report
Eun-jin Hong1, Mi-Seon Goh2, Yang-Hun Jung3, Jeong-Ho Yun4
1Department of Periodontology, College of Dentistry and Institute of Oral Bioscience, Chonbuk National University
2Department of Periodontology, College of Dentistry and Institute of Oral Bioscience, Chonbuk National University
3Department of Periodontology, College of Dentistry and Institute of Oral Bioscience, Chonbuk National University
4Department of Periodontology, College of Dentistry and Institute of Oral Bioscience, Chonbuk National University
Atrophic alveolar ridge of maxillary anterior area is commonly observed after the extraction of teeth in patients with severely compromised periodontal disease, causing difficulties with implant placement. Successful esthetics and functional implant rehabilitation rely on sufficient bone volume, adequate bone contours, and ideal implant positioning and angulation. The present case report categorized the ridge augmentation techniques using guided bone regeneration (GBR) on the maxillary anterior site by Seibert classification. Case I patient presented for implant placement in the position of tooth #11. The alveolar ridge was considered a Seibert classification I ridge defect. Simultaneous implant placement and GBR were performed. Eight months after implantation, clinical and radiological examinations were performed. Case III patient presented with discomfort due to mobility of the upper maxillary anterior site. Due to severe destruction of alveolar bone, teeth #11 and #12 were extracted. After three months, the alveolar ridge was considered a Seibert classification III ridge defect. A GBR procedure was performed; implantation was performed 6 months later. Approximately 1-year after implantation, clinical and radiological examinations were performed. During the whole treatment period, healing was uneventful without membrane exposure, severe swelling, or infection in all cases. Radiographic and clinical examinations revealed that atrophic hard tissues and buccal bone contour were restored to the acceptable levels for implant placement and esthetic restoration. In conclusion, severely resorbed alveolar ridge of the maxillary anterior area can be reconstructed with ridge augmentation using the GBR procedure so that dental implants could be successfully placed.
Key Words: Guided bone regeneration;Alveolar bone defect;Seibert classification;Dental implant;Anterior teeth;

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