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Determinants of pay satisfaction of dental employees

J Korean Dent Assoc > Volume 54(5); 2016 > Article
The Journal of The Korean Dental Association 2016;54(5):374-383.
Published online May 31, 2016.
치과 의료 기관 직원의 임금만족에 영향을 미치는 요인
박영찬1, 정성현2, 박성남3, 김의정4, 신호성5
1원광대학교 치과대학 인문사회치의학교실
2원광대학교 치과대학 인문사회치의학교실
3원광대학교 치과대학 인문사회치의학교실
4원광대학교 치과대학 인문사회치의학교실
5원광대학교 치과대학 인문사회치의학교실
Determinants of pay satisfaction of dental employees
Yeong-Chan Bak1, Seong-Hyeon Jeong2, Seong-Nam Bak3, Eui-Jeong Kim4, Hosung Shin5
1Department of Social and Humanity in Dentistry, Dental College, Wonkwang University
2Department of Social and Humanity in Dentistry, Dental College, Wonkwang University
3Department of Social and Humanity in Dentistry, Dental College, Wonkwang University
4Department of Social and Humanity in Dentistry, Dental College, Wonkwang University
5Department of Social and Humanity in Dentistry, Dental College, Wonkwang University
The purpose of this study is to analyze the determinants of pay satisfaction of dental employees. The questionnaire used in this study consists of personal characteristics, characteristics of workplace, administration of pay, Pay satisfaction questionnaire (PSQ). PSQ was translated, and backward translation into korean was implemented. A pilot test was conducted with 25 dental employees to complete the questionnaire. Survey was conducted from February to July in 2015, receiving 323 valid responses. Anova or t-test was conducted with categorized characteristics, by calculating pay satisfaction scores. Principal factor analysis which is an exploratory factor analysis was conducted to investigate the consistency of pay satisfaction. Multiple regression analysis was conducted to investigate how much effect the variables have on pay satisfaction. The result of principal factor analysis showed that pay satisfaction consists of 3 factors which are 'paying system', 'pay level', 'benefits'. 'Pay raise' which was one of 4 factors of original PSQ was not the factor of pay satisfaction of dental employees. The result of analysis of characteristics showed that the scores of paying system between dental clinic and dental hospital had significant difference. The result of multiple regression analysis showed tendencies pay satisfaction increases when age and monthly income increases and whole career and the number of unit chairs decreases. Increasing the autonomy of employees and simplification of paying system would improve pay satisfaction efficiently. When age increases, the pay level increases because of the seniority-based pay structure, and this leads to the higher satisfaction. The higher amount of pay leads to higher satisfaction. The expectation over pay increases relatively higher than the increase of pay level and this leads to the less satisfaction. When the number of unit chairs is fewer, the workplace is smaller, so the employees have more autonomy, and this leads to higher satisfaction.
Key Words: Pay satisfaction;Dental employee;Pay structure;Pay satisfaction questionnaire;

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