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Orthodontic-prosthodontic interdisciplinary treatment for a patient with multiple missing posterior teeth and unilateral scissors bite

J Korean Dent Assoc > Volume 53(11); 2015 > Article
The Journal of The Korean Dental Association 2015;53(11):844-854.
Published online November 30, 2015.
다수의 구치 상실과 편측성 가위교합을 갖는 환자의 보철 교정 협진 치료
보건복지부 질병관리본부 건강영양조사과
Orthodontic-prosthodontic interdisciplinary treatment for a patient with multiple missing posterior teeth and unilateral scissors bite
Kiyong An
Division of Health and Nutrition Examination, Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Ministry of Health and Welfare
This clinical report describes an orthodontic-prosthodontic interdisciplinary treatment for a patient with multiple missing teeth and unilateral scissors bite. A 47-year-old female presented with multiple missing posterior teeth, anterior large overjet, deep bite, and posterior scissors bite on the right premolar area. Periodontal therapy was performed and followed by orthodontic treatment. The maxillary anterior teeth were initially aligned, then two implants were placed for the left mandibular molars to increase occlusal vertical dimension. The scissors bite between the right maxillary and mandibular premolars were corrected using the miniscrews as an anchorage. Other implants were placed for the right maxillary and mandibular molars after the occlusal planes and occlusal relationship were harmonized. The patient adapted well to altered vertical dimension without any specific problems including peri-implant marginal bone loss. Interdisciplinary approach resolve the complex orthodontic-prosthodontic problems and concluded in successful results.
Key Words: interdisciplinary treatment;occlusal vertical dimension;scissors bite;orthodontic miniscrew;

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