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Effect and Value of Custom-made Mouthguard in Athletic Performance

J Korean Dent Assoc > Volume 53(9); 2015 > Article
The Journal of The Korean Dental Association 2015;53(9):602-609.
Published online September 30, 2015.
맞춤형 마우스가드의 효능과 실제
경희대학교 치과대학.치의학전문대학원 치과보철학교실, 강동경희대학교치과병원, 대한스포츠치의학회
Effect and Value of Custom-made Mouthguard in Athletic Performance
sungbok Richard Lee
Department of Biomaterials & Prosthodontics, School of Dentistry, Dental School Hospital at Gangdong, Kyung Hee University
The aim of this document is to evaluate the effect of bite balance on physical fitness and motor capacity to determine the importance of the occlusal stability as a possible action mechanism of occlusal appliance including mouthguards on physical performances. We all remember that day when the prominent athlete was in the news wearing a mouthguard to improve human athletic performance. I once had investigated the determinants of athletic performance in all sorts of sports. Most of the studies had overinterpretation of results and lack of evidence to support the information. However, I discovered great expectations for new possibility in this field and settled for a more academic approach to this intriguing subject. The followings are some examples of the subject 1. Archers who wore occlusal appliances to increase the vertical dimension of occlusion by 2~3mm increased their ability to focus and to maintain good sense of balance. Their accuracy rate has been improved. The appliance was made of acrylic resin (a type of plastic). 2. Canoe players who wore occlusal appliances to increase the vertical dimension of occlusion by 5mm surpassed longtime competitor and won the race with 10 seconds gap. 3. A cycle rider who wore an occlusal appliance to treat his malocclusion surpassed his old record from 10.8 seconds to 10.3 seconds. His muscle reflexes (anaerobic exercise) and endurance (aerobic exercise) has been enhanced. 4. Occlusal appliances had a good effect on athletic performance in most sports such as swimming, diving, and weightlifting. As for the clenching on dentition, people clench their teeth when they push their physical and mental limits during sports activities. Clenching can be induced by physical exertion when maximum muscle strength is retained and this is similarly found in different types of exercises. In addition, restraint of respiratory function is observed. Therefore, creating a occlusal balance with occlusal appliance or mouthguard promoted a favorable influence when an athlete clenches.
Key Words: sports dentistry;sports activity;clenching;occlusal appliance;mouthguard;increase of occlusal vertical dimension(VD);muscle strength;
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