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Localized Gingival Enlargement

J Korean Dent Assoc > Volume 52(12); 2014 > Article
The Journal of The Korean Dental Association 2014;52(12):712-719.
Published online December 31, 2014.
임상가를 위한 특집 1 - 잇몸의 국소 증식 질환
부산대학교 치의학전문대학원
Localized Gingival Enlargement
Mi Heon Ryu
Department of Oral Pathology, School of Dentistry, Yangsan Campus of Pusan National University
Localized gingival enlargement is a common finding and tends to be reactive hyperplasia. Gingival reactive lesions are usually asymptomatic and respond to conservative treatment. However, a small entity of localized gingival enlargement is distinct from non-neoplastic growth, including developmental and neoplastic lesions. Since their clinical characteristics are similar with other lesions of gingiva, it can cause diagnostic dilemma, and is recommended to submit biopsy and confirm pathologic diagnosis. Their incidence of recurrence are different, therefore method of treatment should vary depending on the diagnosis. This review explains identification and treatment of localized gingival lesions.
Key Words: Gingival enlargement;diagnostic dilemma;

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