J Korean Dent Assoc > Volume 52(8); 2014 > Article
The Journal of The Korean Dental Association 2014;52(8):456-463.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22974/jkda.2014.52.8.001    Published online August 31, 2014.
임상가를 위한 특집 1 - 우식위험도평가에 근거한 한국형 치아우식증 관리 모델
연세대학교 치과대학 예방치과학교실
Korean Caries Management by Risk Assessment (K-CAMBRA)
Baek Il Kim
Department of Preventive Dentistry & Public Oral Health, Yonsei University College of Dentistry
Caries Management by Risk Assessment (CAMBRA), published by California Dental Association in 2003, is a customized caries care system that classifies individuals' caries risk into 4 risk groups based on objective evidences and provides chemical treatments targeted for each caries risk level. However, this system was not only developed but also optimized for situation in the United States, resulting into many limitations to be used in Korea, and thus Korean CAMBRA (K-CAMBRA) that considers the clinical situation in Korea needs to be developed. K-CAMBRA includes various techniques that are newly developed in order to overcome the limitations. First, Q-ray, a new optical technology, is utilized in order to avoid the subjectivity of visual inspection during assessment of disease indicators and risk factors. Moreover, Cariview? that reflects the paradigm shift in cariology as a new form of caries assessment kit is used. In addition, considering the situation in Korea, where it is impossible to use high concentration fluoride product, Oral pack with a customized tray is added to increase the contact time of chemical substance. CAMBRA is believed to be the key clinical tool that overcomes the limitations of the paradigm of the conventional restoration-based surgical model of dentistry. Furthermore, it can be expected that Korean dentists can act as oral physicians who are able to control and care individuals' caries risk rather than operative experts who only care about the outcome of caries.
Key Words: CAMBRA;Caries management;Caries risk;K-CAMBRA;Oral pack;Q-ray;

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