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Effects of bamboo salt on dental caries prevention

J Korean Dent Assoc > Volume 50(9); 2012 > Article
The Journal of The Korean Dental Association 2012;50(9):552-557.
Published online September 30, 2012.
임상가를 위한 특집 2 - 죽염을 이용한 우식예방
전남대학교 치의학전문대학원
Effects of bamboo salt on dental caries prevention
Choong-Ho Choi
Department of Preventive and Public Health Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Chonnam National University
Bamboo salt is a special processed salt by Korean traditional recipe. Recent study results showed that bamboo salt or bamboo salt with some other materials like herbal extracts have the anti-microbial activity, inhibition effects of dental plaque and gingival inflammation. Bamboo salt also showed anti-cariogenic effects; remineralization and acid resistance. Compare to fluoride toothpaste, bomboo salt toothpaste with fluoride showed the more effective remineralization on inner part of the early dental caries lesion. It increased the surface hardness and decreased lesion depth of early dental caries lesion. Thus, it is suggested thai bamboo salt could be used as a anti-microbial, anti-plaque, anti-inflammatory and anti-cariogenic material for oral disease prevention. Especially, bamboo salt dentifrice with fluoride can be recommanded as a useful remineralizing agent.
Key Words: Bamboo salt;Prevention;Fluoride;Remineralization;

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