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Low-Level Laser Therapy in Dentistry

J Korean Dent Assoc > Volume 49(11); 2011 > Article
The Journal of The Korean Dental Association 2011;49(11):679-687.
Published online November 30, 2011.
임상가를 위한 특집3 - 치과 영역에서의 저출력레이저요법
임영관1, 김지연2, 김병국3
1전남대학교 치과병원 구강내과
2서울보훈병원 치과
3전남대학교 치의학전문대학원 구강내과학교실
Low-Level Laser Therapy in Dentistry
Yeong-Gwan Im1, Ji-Yeon Kim2, Byung-Gook Kim3
1Department of Oral Medicine, Chonnam National University Hospital
2Department of Dentistry, Seoul Veterans Hospital
3Department of Oral Medicine, School of Dentistry, Chonnam National University
Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is the application of light to pathology to promote tissue regeneration, reduce inflammation, and relieve pain. LLLT has a photochemical effect whereby the light is absorbed and exerts a chemical change. The clinical applications of LLLT include improvement in wound and bone healing processes, control of pain and tooth hypersensitivity, modulation of periodontal inflammation, the prevention and treatment of cancer therapy-induced oral mucositis, management of burning mouth syndrome, and improvement in temporomandibular disorder symptoms. Further research is needed to better elucidate the cellular mechanisms of LLLT and provide a solid scientific basis for the clinical application of LLLT in dentistry.
Key Words: low-level laser therapy (LLLT);inflammation;pain;healing;

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