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A Study on Marketing for Customer Satisfaction of Dental hospitals and Clinics - Focusing on Expectation and Satisfaction between Dentist and Staff-

J Korean Dent Assoc > Volume 48(2); 2010 > Article
The Journal of The Korean Dental Association 2010;48(2):127-139.
Published online February 28, 2010.
Original Article 2 - 치과병의원 안에서 고객만족을 위한 마케팅연구 -치과의사와 직원간의 기대와 만족을 중심으로-
김용태1, 김양균2
1경희대학교 사회과학연구원
2경희대학교 의료경영학과
A Study on Marketing for Customer Satisfaction of Dental hospitals and Clinics - Focusing on Expectation and Satisfaction between Dentist and Staff-
Yong-Tea Kim1, Yang-Kyun Kim2
1Dept. of Public Administration Kyung Hee University
2Dept. of Health Service Management Kyung Hee University
: The study explored perceptional gap of dentists and their employees between expectation and satisfaction. Methods : For analysis, the study surveyed 407 employees and 91 dentists on their expectation and satisfaction depending on expectation. Results : When the satisfaction on a question was lower than expectation; the rate of sufficiency was below 100%, it is necessary to improve on the question. Contrarily when the satisfaction on a question was higher than expectation; the rate of sufficiency was upper 100%, it is necessary to continuously support the question. The most of satisfaction of employees on their dentists and their organization were lower than employees's expectation of those. The most of satisfaction of dentists on their own and employees were lower than dentists's expectation of those as similar as employees cases, It means that all of questions need to improve continuously. Conclusions : The issues for prior decision to change these phenomena are 1) improvement of communication each other, 2) recovery of credence each other, and 3) leadership style change from authoritarian to consideration.
Key Words: Expectation;Satisfaction;Marketing;Motivation;

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