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The survey of preference between Korean and Korean American

J Korean Dent Assoc > Volume 47(3); 2009 > Article
The Journal of The Korean Dental Association 2009;47(3):156-161.
Published online March 31, 2009.
한국인과 한국계 미국인간의 측모 선호도에 관한 연구
가톨릭대학교 성가병원 치과, 가톨릭대학교 임상치과대학원 치과교정학교실
The survey of preference between Korean and Korean American
Keun-Hye Lee
Sungga hospital, Department of Orthodontics, Section of Dentistry, The Catholic University of Korea
The purpose of this study was to survey a preference to the esthetic profile between Korean women and Korean American women. The interviewee were consisted of 30 Korean women and 30 Korean American women respectively. The survey has been done by using questionnaire. Altered facial profile of each normal male and female was got by moving maxilla, mandible to the front and back to survey the preference among the various profile. Then results were analyzed by SPSS program. The results were as follows, 1. In Korean women, in choosing the men's profile, 9 people out of 30, picked the standard profile as a most preferred profile, and bimaxillary retrusion and bimaxillary protrusion profile were followed by 6 people and 5people respectively. 2. In Korean American women, in choosing the men's profile, the 18 people out of 30, pick the bimaxillary retruded profile as a most preferred profile, and the standard profile were followed. 3. In Korean women, in choosing the women's profile, 18 people out of 30, picked the bimaxillary retruded profile as a most beautiful profile, and standard profile were followed by having 10people's voting. 4. In Korean American women, in choosing the women's profile, the 14 people out of 30, chose the bimaxillary retruded profile as a best one and the standard profile were followed by 12 people's voting. The preference of men's profile was significantly different between two groups (p<0.05) but the both group picked the bimaxillary retruded profile as a most beautiful when they choose the women's profile and then there was no statistical difference between the groups.
Key Words: facial profile;preference;ethnic preference;

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