'K' 국민학교 아동의 치아우식증에 관한 역학적 연구 |
백동준1, 이대원2, 민성기3, 김명수4 |
1경희대학교 치과대학 소아치과학교실 2경희대학교 치과대학 소아치과학교실 3경희대학교 치과대학 소아치과학교실 4경희대학교 치과대학 소아치과학교실 |
Tong-Jun Paik1, Dae-Won Lee2, Seung-Kee Min3, Myung-Soo Kim4 |
Abstract |
The dental caries experiences of 'K' primary school children, 819 male and 653 female, aged from 6 to 12, total 1472 children was examined and obtained the followings : 1) The dental caries prevalence in primary dentition was 82.05% in male and 84.23% in female, and the average of both was 83.02% 2) The dft Index was 3.79 in male and 3.97 in female, and the average of both was 3.86 3) The dental caries prevalence in permanent dentition was 86.57% in male and 89.28% in female, and the average of both was 87.77% 4) The DMF Index was 3.47 in male and 3.58 in female, and the average of both was 3.58 |