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J Korean Dent Assoc > Volume 43(1); 2005 > Article
The Journal of The Korean Dental Association 2005;43(1):41-52.
Published online January 31, 2005.
치과용 DICOM encoder와 viewer의 특성과 개발
이승원1, 주성대2, 이석영3, 강승훈4
1연세대학교 원주의과대학 치과학 교실
Seung-Won Lee1, Seong-Dae Ju2, Seok-Yeong Lee3, Seung-Hun Gang4
Information Technology has extended its scope to the medical field as well as dental field. Like medical field, network ststem for dental field requires acquisition, storage, and display of images. However, unlike the medical field, the system to integrate several information including medical images has not been developed according to industrial standard for management of digital image for medical use, so called DICOM conformance. which makes the digital environment in dental field more and more difficult and expensive for this standardization and comfortable communication in LAN and WAN. To solve this problem, the DICOM encoder and server has to be developed because the DICOM file can be easily retrieved with patient's information from the DICOM server in the system as DICOM file has the standard specification to integrate the patient's information. The information including image and other discrete data can be easily integrated in DICOM file and can be used without any difficulty for precise diagnosis and for contribution to the decision making for each treatment protocol. Therefore, the system composed of DICOM encoder and server in dental practive for DICOM file must be developed with prudent consideration of the several strategic factors: I) Enhanced diagnostic capability through the integrated information of image and clinical data. ii) Clinician-friendly interface to simulate the systemic treatment procedure in clinical practice iii) Implementation of multidisciplinary treatment protocol The development of DICOM encoder and server based on these strategic considerations will provide paperless and filmless hospital environments by the seamless integration and management of patient's history, several clinical data and clinical images through image processing for quantitative analysis. The system also allows clinicians to provide more predictable dental care for the patients.
Key Words: diagnosis;tool;dental PACS;component modules;digital image;
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