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J Korean Dent Assoc > Volume 22(12); 1984 > Article
The Journal of The Korean Dental Association 1984;22(12):1067-1073.
Published online December 31, 1984.
교정치료시기에 관한 연구
서울대학교 치과대학 교정학교실
Young-Il Chang
Dept. of Orthodontics, College of Dentistry, Seoul National University
In the treatment of functional orthodontic problems, timing is not an issue. All orthodontists start as soon as the condition is recognized. However, there is an active dialogue concerning treatment timing for structure problems. The major points in contention center around the operator's ability is to control the growth of the facial bones and to maintain post-treatment tooth position through the maturation period (especially when this position was gained by techniques involving arch expansion or distal driving of posterior segments). Factors taken into account to determine the best time of orthodontic treatment include diagnosis, interception, growth rate, patient cooperation, eruptive state and treatment period. With those exceptions of all functional problems, mild dental discrepancies and skeletal deficiencies with a predictably excellent growth potential (early treatment), the period immediately following the eruption of the permanent second molars is the period during which most orthodontic treatment should be initiated. At this time the full volume of tooth substances is present, the individual growth pattern in well established, there are sufficient teeth to receive nearly any type of appliances and the patient can easily tolerate the wearing of appliances.

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