J Korean Dent Assoc > Volume 19(6); 1981 > Article
Journal of Korean Dental Association 1981;19(6):535-540.
Published online June 30, 1981.
창경국민학교 학생의 구강보건실태 조사연구 - 시범학교 계속구강건강관리사업을 위한 예비조사 -
서울대학교 치과대학 예방치학교실
Dai-Il Paik
Dept. of Preventive and Public Health Dentistry, College of Dentistry, Seoul National University
In order to collect the basic data for planning school dental health programmes, the author had examined dental health conditions of 120 males and 120 females of Changgyung Primary School children in the first grade. The percentages of persons with conditions requiring immediate attention, toothbrushing times and daily frequency, df rate, df index, dt index, ft index, it index, DMF rate, DT index, MT index, FT index, IT index, DMFT index, percentages of persons with periodontal status in every of the four categories with soft deposits, calculus, intense gingivitis, and advanced periodontal involvement were calculated and evaluated. The obtained results were as follows: 1. Persons with requiring immediate attention was 7.1% of all the examined children. 2. The df rate was 88.3%, and df index was 3.4 teeth per person. And then the DMF rate was 17.1%, while DMFT index was 0.3 teeth per person. 3. As the periodontal status, the persons with soft deposits was 90.0% of children, calculus 26.3%, intense gingivitis 0.4%, and no advanced periodontal involvement. 4. Average toothbrushing frquency was 1.2 times in a day per person. But 71.5% of toothbrushing was performed before meals, while the others after meals.

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